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My whole dancing journey and the place I fell in love with dancing was Dance Vibez. Growing up there, I’ve had countless experiences but most of all, met friends for life that cheer each other on every second. A win is celebrated by everyone. My favourite part of DV is the level of respect that all the dancers have for each other, to the teachers, and the teachers have for us. It really is the place to be 💜

Allanah Littlejohns

Been at DV for 5 years and I've had the most amazing experiences there, I've had the chance to dance with the best of the best choreographers from all over the World and made so many unforgettable memories. My favourite part of being with DV is that everyone always supports each other at competitions or performances and the atmosphere between us is always amazing

Holly Caldwell

This is my 6th year at Dance Vibez, and over the years I have made some of the best memories. Being at Dance Vibez I have had the opportunity to travel all over the world, to compete in competitions with my team and train with some of the best choreographers from all over the world. My favourite part about Dance Vibez is the feeling you get as a team before a competition knowing that you have worked hard, learned the routine and are excited to preform and bring the choreography to life🤍🖤💜

Elise McQueen